1. Knowledge

To impact knowledge is the basic aim of education and so it is naturally the basic aim of teaching of any subject including com­merce. By imparting knowledge of commerce to the student it is expected that he acquires the knowledge about –

(i) The nature, functions and responsibilities of commerce in society.

(ii) Economic education directed towards better understanding of economic environment and better use of services of business.


(iii) Their interests and abilities in commerce as a field of work.

Various other objectives will be taken up separately with the different areas of study of commerce.

Knowledge objective is considered to have been achieved if the student is able to recall and recognise various terms, facts, symbols, concepts etc.

2. Understanding


This objective is considered to have been achieved if the student is able to:

(i) Interpret charts graphs, data, concepts etc. correctly.

(ii) Illustrate concepts, facts, phenomenon etc.

(iii) Discriminate between deterrent facts, concepts etc. That is closely related to each other.


(iv) Identify relationships between various facts, concepts, phe­nomenon etc.

(v) Find faults, if any, in statements, concepts etc.

3. Applications

This objective seems to be most neglected one in our system of education. This objective is considered to have been achieved to a great extent if a pupil can


(i) Analyse a given data.

(ii) Formulate hypothesis from his observations.

(iii) Confirm or reject a hypothesis.

(iv) Correctly infer the observed facts.


(v) Find cause and effect relationship.

(vi) Give new illustrations.

(vii) Predict new happenings.

(viii) Find relationships that exist between various facts, con­cepts, phenomenon learnt by him.


4. Skill

Under this head it is expected that the study of commerce help the student

(i) To develop skills of organising and managing different busi­ness machines so that they get acquainted with the daily activities of an office.

(ii) To develop student’s skills in preparing nothings and drafting’s of official activities, so that they may free well on being appointed in an office.

(iii) Be able to serve in different sectors of trade, commerce and business.

(iv) To enable students to prosecute their lighter education with better and complex skills needed at that stage.

5. Interests

To achieve objective the pupil is provided with certain com­mercial hobbies and other leisure time activities. By providing such activities our aim is to inculcate, among pupils, a living and sustain­ing interest in environment in which he lives.

This is considered to have been achieved it the pupil becomes curious and develops such an interest in commerce that he is always eager and is on look out to:

(i) Take some interesting commercial hobby.

(ii) Visit places of commercial interest.

(iii) Undertake some projects of commerce.

(iv) Meet and interact with some reputed persons in various fields of commerce.

(v) Actively participate in debates, declamation contests, quiz etc.

6. Appreciation

To achieve this objective teaching of commerce has to be done in an evolutionary way. For this the curriculum should include such

This objective is considered to have been achieved if the pupil is able:

(i) To appreciate the organisation and management of business organisation and to know how various communities are benefited by his activities.

(ii) To develop student’s capacity to appreciate the services ren­dered by national and international trade and commerce.

(iii) To appreciate the activities of the various instruments of business credits adopted by business houses.