A household name for all Hindus, Meera Bai belonged to the royal Rathode family of Marwar. Born in 1547 A.D., she played with an idol of Lord Krishna since her childhood. She was so attracted to the idol that she took him her husband.

At she was married to Prince Bhoja, son of Maharana Pratap of Chittor. It is said that during the entire ceremony she held fast the idol of Lord Krishna and considered that she was actually being married to Lord Krishna.

At her in law’s home, she fulfilled all her marital obligations towards the husband, but she could not give up her devotion to Lord Krishna and as such after performing her household duties she would get lost in meditation and worship of the Lord.

She even used to sing and dance with the other devotees and saints, which was never liked by her family members. Meera Bai remained indifferent to their disappointment.


It is even said that once her family members gave her poison under the impression of holy water, but it could do no harm to Meera.

In her later years she went to Vrindavan where she spent her life in the worship of Lord Krishna. Her bhajans are popular and sung even today.