1. In fact this scheme could not be executed completely. European countries continued to purchase and sell the goods to one another on the basis of licenses.

Napoleon himself many times purchased sugar, coffee, shoes and overcoats from Great Britain. Whatever licences were issued in this connection; they created a lot of corruption in the society.

2. France and its allies had to face difficulty in meeting their daily needs. Their people also began to oppose Napoleon. Napoleon was himself fully aware of this fact but being obstinate, he did not budge an inch. He inspired his specialists and scientists to produce sugarcane, coffee and indigo in France.

3. The people of England also had to face various hardships due to this scheme. The rate of corn shot up in England and goods manufactured began to be dumped in the godowns. It confused the merchants.


They requested the government to conclude a treaty with France but in the meanwhile Napoleon waged a war against Spain, so England made a treaty with Spain and started its trade with her colonies.

After this Central and Southern America also opened their ports to England. It led to the glut of British materials and devaluation. The assignats had also been devalued and economic crisis loomed large before England.

4. Napoleon had to wage wars against several countries for the proper implementation of this scheme. This was the chief reason of enmity between Russia and France. The Pope also became his deadliest foe and he had to fight against Portugal and Spain.

All these battles contributed to his downfall as his grand army was destroyed and his treasury was emptied in these wars.


5. England had to attack the port of Copenhagen due to this scheme in order to destroy the Danish fleet and also had to wage war against America.

6. England’s supremacy over the seas was proved as the British ships could sail and trade anywhere in the world and Napoleon failed to check them.

Thus the continental system failed disastrously and Napoleon could not take any advantage from this scheme. The continental system should have been a success only if Napoleon had stopped completely the supply of the food grains to England but Napoleon did not take this inhuman step and his scheme failed in to.